People are harsh in their opinions of their teeth. According to Dentaly, only 7% of them are pleased with how their smile looks. That means that a lot of them are candidates for dental implant restoration. This can lead to a lot of puzzlement about the restoration process. Here are the answers to three dental implant restoration questions.
This depends on a lot of different factors. Your dentist in Richmond, TX or oral surgeon will examine your mouth first and determine if you have any oral health issues first that need to be cleared up. Then they will ensure that you have enough bone mass in your jaw to support the screw that will get fused with the jawbone. If not, then they may do a bone graft. After that, depending on how well you heal, the whole process could take anywhere between a month and several months. Since you will find that you have a seemingly natural new tooth that can last two decades or more, that is not a long time.
One reason people like getting dental implant restoration in Richmond, TX done is that they don't have to do extra work as they do with dentures. The implant remains firmly anchored in your mouth and you don't need to remove it as you do with dentures. There's no need to get a special toothpaste either, nor do you need to soak the implant overnight. The only thing you really need to watch out for is certain types of food. The crown that is used as the new tooth is durable, but it's not unbreakable. Don't have things like hard candy, which can crack the crown. Avoid crunching ice in your mouth and don't chew on pen caps.
Dental implants are durable. They can last more than twice as long as dentures before they need to be replaced. To put a number on it, they can last up to 25 years with proper care. There's no need to get anything else for them, no glue to keep them in place, and no special soaking formulas.
If you want something that will stay in your mouth and allow you to eat and drink the way you did before, dental implants are a great choice. If you're interested in learning more about them, contact us at Pampered Dental today!
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