Dentistry goes back centuries, and over time, many myths have circulated that can affect how people maintain their oral health or how frequently they visit a dental office. Here are a few common dental myths you should know about, along with insights on general dentistry in Richmond, TX to help you keep your oral health in top shape.
Sugar can be destructive, but it's the side effect of the sugar that actually harms teeth, not the sugar itself. When sugar sits on your teeth, the resulting acids can cause cavities. These are the same dietary acids in soft drinks that are a major factor in dental erosion. That's why regardless of what your diet is — whether you eat healthy sugar from fruits or the less healthy sugar in candy bars — you need to brush and floss regularly.
Your gums may be bleeding for a few reasons. It may be because you were brushing too harshly or with the incorrect toothbrush for your mouth, or you may be in one of the stages of gum disease, which can show up in the form of swollen or bleeding gums. Either way, your teeth and gums need proper cleansing with brushing and flossing. Therefore, if your gums are bleeding, the best first step is to switch out your current brushing tools and find gentler ones. Don't forget to be mindful of brushing pressure to avoid further gum bleeding.
Flossing isn't a frivolous oral practice. It allows you to get rid of food particles your toothbrush can't reach. After all, if those particles sit there, they can disintegrate and form acid on your teeth. That's why, according to the American Dental Association, dentists recommend both flossing and brushing twice a day or after each meal.
In most cases, you get rid of morning breath as soon as you brush your teeth. Unfortunately, some people have a more lingering condition known as halitosis. This may happen due to an underlying medical condition, a rotten tooth, stomach bacteria coming up, or harboring bacteria on your tongue. Your dentist in Richmond, TX can help you get down to the root cause of the issue.
Now that you understand why these myths aren't true, you have a better understanding of the importance of proper dental care. If you're in need of reliable dental services, contact Pampered Dental today. We'll be happy to help you keep your teeth and gums healthy!
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